02 Feb
The Park and Pavilion (Zone P) Reserved Matters Application submitted – opportunity to share your comments with Southwark Council
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We have submitted a Reserved Matters Application (RMA) to Southwark Council for a new Park and Pavilion located next to the Printworks building.
The application has now been validated by Southwark Council, which is holding a 21-day statutory consultation between 1 February and 22 February 2023. During this time, you can view all the planning documents and provide a formal comment directly to Southwark Council for its consideration in its determination of the planning application.
You can find all the application documents and make a formal comment by visiting Southwark Council’s Planning Register here and using the case reference number 23/AP/0233.
About the Park and Pavilion
The application is for a brand new 3.5-acre park as well as a Pavilion building with space for a café and public toilets. The Park will be connected into the 160+ acres of parks and woodlands in the local area such as Russia Dock Woodland and Southwark Park through a series of green pedestrian routes and public spaces that run through the Masterplan.