Update on the latest construction news on the Canada Water development
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In September, we issued our latest site-wide construction newsletter which provides an update on the construction activity taking place across the Canada Water development and what you can expect to see over the coming months.
Progress update
Works in the Surrey Quays Shopping Centre and surrounding area
The former Rotherhithe Police Station and the Tesco Petrol Station have now been demolished and a new interim Tesco Petrol Station opened in June. A new route between Lower Road and the shopping centre’s car park is now operational allowing construction traffic to safely access the site. Utility diversions and landscaping in the area between Canada Dock and Deal Porters Way is also nearly complete.
Dock Offices
The restoration and refurbishment of the former Dock Offices which includes a new ‘project hub’ has now completed. Access for tenants and visitors has been restored from Surrey Quays Road.
The new modular campus for higher education institute TEDI London off Quebec Way opened in September 2021.
Upcoming works
Plot A1 and A2
The footpath between Canada Dock and Deal Porters Way to reopen in early October, with some barriers diverting people along the footpath still in place while final surfacing works are completed, and seating is installed.
In the week of 11th October, hoarding will be installed along the edge of Deal Porters Way for these buildings by contractors Mace and Wates. Pedestrians will use the footpath alongside Canada Dock and the Surrey Quays Road/Deal Porters Way end of the Shopping Centre car park will be exit only during this week. This entry/exit point will be closed over two nights towards the end of this week to remove the barriers. Signage will be displayed on site to direct drivers. Over the same period, footpath surfacing works will take place on the shopping centre footpath alongside the hoarding close to Hothfield Place. Access to Hothfield Place from the shopping centre will be maintained throughout these works.
From the week of the 18th October, entry and exit will be restored for vehicles at the Surrey Quays Road/Deal Porters Way end of the Shopping Centre car park and pedestrians will continue to use the footpath alongside Canada Dock.
Mace, who are building Plot A2, will begin piling works from the week of 4th October. Wates, who are building Plot A1, will begin piling works from the week of 25th October. Piling involves drilling into the earth to help create a stable structure to strengthen a building’s foundations. It does generate some noise and vibration and will be carried out in accordance with the levels set by Southwark Council as standard across the borough. Mace will set up their site offices and welfare facilities from November 2021 – January 2022. Wates are preparing the foundations for their site offices and expect these to be complete at the end of October/early November 2021. The image overleaf shows the locations.
Meet the contractors
Wates, who are building Plot A1 and Mace, who are building Plot A2, will be making themselves available at a set time and location each month to speak with those who want further detail and have questions. Please watch out for this being advertised via site signage, our e-newsletter and on our website.
Plot K1
Construction is expected to begin in November, carried out by contractor McAleer & Rushe. Subject to permission being granted by Southwark Council, we expect the erection of the permanent hoarding and the contractor’s site offices and welfare to be put in place at the end of Roberts Close in October/November 2021. Pedestrian access from Roberts Close to Russia Walk will be maintained.
The building should take around two years to build, with HGVs accessing the site from Quebec Way via Redriff Road and light vehicles using Canada Street.
Rear of Printworks by Quebec Way
Galldris is progressing well with work to build a basement for a new below-ground electricity substation for UKPN which will supply the development as well as the wider local area. Earthwork, ground clearance and pile mat construction works are underway. Piling works will begin in early October and take place for 10-12 weeks.
The piling rig is due to arrive on site in early October, either late at night or in the early hours of the morning to minimise impact on the travelling public. The details of this will be available on our website once confirmed.
Piling involves drilling into the earth to help create a stable structure to strengthen a building’s foundations, which will generate some noise and vibration to the surrounding areas and will be carried out in accordance with the levels set by Southwark Council as standard across the borough.
Traffic marshals will be in place to direct the flow of construction vehicles to reduce any impact on the travelling public. All heavy vehicles will access the site from Quebec Way (east) to minimise disruption for Alfred Salter Primary School.
Site investigation works
We expect to undertake some ground investigations behind Pizza Hut at Surrey Quays Leisure Park before the end of 2021. This will help us understand more about the type of foundations needed ahead of future construction work in this area. Whilst timings are still to be confirmed, we expect this activity to begin before the end of the year and continue for a 3-4-month period.
Repair works at the Dock
Before the end of the year, we expect to appoint a contractor to access the Dock to carry out repair works to the borehole by cleaning it and installing a new pump (likely to be in October/November). We expect to appoint a contractor who will take a piling rig into the Dock to test the ground by taking soil samples and monitoring groundwater movement to inform future construction activity, subject to planning consent being granted. These works are likely to take place in December 2021/January 2022.
Narrow trench excavations
Later in the year we plan to carry out phased excavations of narrow trenches in several locations along Surrey Quays Road, Redriff Road and within Brunswick Quay. This is to determine the position of existing underground services such as drainage, water mains and gas pipelines which will help us with our future plans for the central part of the Canada Water development (known as Plots F and G). Whilst timings are still to be confirmed, we expect this activity to begin before the end of the year and be complete by March 2022. Temporary traffic management measures will be required for the safety of the travelling public and workforce whilst the work takes place. It is expected that three slit trenches will be required in Brunswick Quay to inform the Greenland Dock outfall (which will provide drainage for the Canada Water development). We will write to affected residents with more information as it becomes available and will update the website nearer the time.
Keeping you updated
British Land’s Construction Neighbourhood Liaison Manager’s role is to ensure that people living close to the site and the wider community are kept regularly updated and that any issues or questions are handled promptly. We are continuing to hold Construction Liaison Forums for direct neighbours of the construction sites to discuss the upcoming works with the contractors.