
01 Apr

Update on preparatory construction works and site activity on parts of the Masterplan site: April 2021

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Update on preparatory construction works and site activity on parts of the Masterplan site: April 2021

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The preparatory construction works underway on parts of the masterplan site continue to progress well. Work is now taking place in the areas marked on the image below. Please find updates on each work area below. For more information on site working hours, please see this post which will be updated with new information as it becomes available.

Rear of Printworks site by Quebec Way (shown in yellow on the image above) – following the recent completion of the first phase of demolition, Galldris will now demolish two further buildings within the immediate adjacent area to the previous demolition works at this site. Works will begin in April to extend the hoarding adjacent to Quebec Way, allowing the demolition works to take place from late April / early May 2021.

Next door to this site (shown in green on the image above), works continue to build the new temporary campus located within the Printworks site, which will house TEDI-London – a new engineering higher education enterprise (click here for more information). Drainage and ducting installation works are nearing completion and the installation of the modular buildings has begun. In order to install the modular units which are classed as an abnormal load, Galldris will be using a large crane which will have to be transported to site using extra-large vehicles as per police specifications. This will be outside of peak traffic periods (7am-10am and 4-7pm) so as not to disrupt traffic, with the crane arriving at site pre-7am. The crane and vehicles which bring the modular units will access the Printworks site via Surrey Quays Road and park up in the site until they are offloaded during standard permitted working hours. Works will not be undertaken over the April Bank Holiday period and vehicle movements related to this are expected to continue until mid-April. All other site deliveries will continue to use the Quebec Way entrance. In parallel with the modular building installation works, Galldris will continue constructing the footpaths and remaining drainage and external works.

Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car park and surrounding area (shown in orange on the image above) – Galldris has now completed the temporary realignment of Deal Porters Way within the Shopping Centre car park to allow drainage and service installation works to continue within Deal Porters Way adjacent to the Canada Dock footpath and near the existing petrol station. Galldris is also speaking with Southwark Council with the aim of agreeing the temporary closure of the footpath that runs along the edge of the dock adjacent to Deal Porters Way to ensure a safe working area. This will mean a short pedestrian diversion will be in place during this time.

Works on the haul road, close to the former Dock Offices and the petrol station, are progressing well, meaning that drainage installation will make way for utility and ducting works this month. Unfortunately, due to ground conditions in Hothfield Place, the drainage installation works in the street have been delayed, and Galldris anticipate an early-mid April completion. Kerb realignment works for the new petrol filling station at the Tesco end of the car park (at the Deal Porters Way and Redriff Road junction) are also due to start in early April. Bus stop suspensions will be required throughout April to facilitate the works and alternative temporary bus stops will be provided on Redriff Road.

Former Rotherhithe Police Station (shown in pink on the image above) – enabling works for the demolition of the former Rotherhithe police station are progressing well with hoarding installation, asbestos removal and soft strip nearing completion. Scaffold installation and demolition of the existing buildings will be undertaken in May following completion of all existing utility disconnections to the buildings.

Once demolished, and in the short term, this area will accommodate site welfare facilities for the construction of Plots A1 and A2 of the Canada Water Masterplan. In the longer term, the outline planning consent for the masterplan (18/AP/1604) sets out the maximum massing and heights of any future building on this site and allocates it for a mix of residential, retail and community facility uses There will be engagement with the local community on the detailed designs as they come forward.

Construction of interim petrol station on Deal Porters Way (shown in purple on the image above) –Indigo, a specialist petrol station contractor, have now installed the fuel pipework and in April, they will install the petrol station canopy and shop kiosk as well as carry out landscaping work. We expect the construction of the new interim petrol filling station to complete in summer 2021.

The existing Tesco petrol station in the car park will then be demolished to enable the construction of plot A2 (click here for more information).

Former Dock Offices (shown in blue on the image above) – internal and external refurbishment works to the former Dock Offices to preserve them as an important Grade II listed heritage asset, whilst also providing a new ‘Project Hub’ for the Canada Water Masterplan, are progressing well with landscaping works in the courtyard soon due to begin. This includes removing all existing paving tiles and creating a large tree pit in order to plant new trees and shrubs around the courtyard. New bricks will then be placed onto the courtyard. In mid-April, the installation of lights on the external perimeter of the building will take place and the internal works are making good progress. On Saturday 10thApril, a tree surgeon is due to carry out some tree removal within the former Dock Offices courtyard area as part of the enabling works for the first plots. An ecologist will confirm the trees can be removed the day before. Southwark Council has granted planning permission for these works as part of the outline planning consent (18/AP/1604).

Other site surveys

Plot K1 (Roberts Close)

McAleer and Rushe, on behalf of British Land, are progressing well with the site survey works required to inform the building foundation design. Works are expected to continue into mid-April and will involve a small number of operatives and machinery.

British Land’s Construction Neighbourhood Liaison Manager ensures that site neighbours and the wider community are kept regularly updated and will respond promptly to any issues or questions that arise. If you have any questions about these works or would like to speak with the Construction Neighbourhood Liaison Manager, please contact or call 0800 470 4593 (freephone).

Contractors continue to write to and seek to speak with direct neighbours where construction activity is taking place, with further newsletters due to arrive next week. We are also reviewing our approach to in-person engagement as Government guidance related to COVID-19 changes.   

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