01 May
On-site works update: shrub clearance and tree root survey in Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car park
1 Minute Read
We continue to monitor Government and industry guidance relating to COVID-19 and site activity. In line with this, shrub clearance works and a survey of tree roots, are due to begin in part of the Surrey Quays Shopping Centre Car Park from Friday 1st May through to Friday 22nd May 2020.
The contractors carrying out these works/the surveys will closely adhere to current industry and Government guidance relating to COVID-19, which includes working at social distance.
In order to carry out the tree root surveys effectively, some low-lying shrubbery along the edge of the unused car park / Deal Porters Way will need to be cleared. The survey in this section is required as part of ongoing design work for the Canada Water Masterplan.
Working hours will be between 8am and 6pm only for the duration of the works, Monday-Friday only.
The image below shows the area where the works will take place.
Get in touch
If you have any questions or concerns about the works, please get in touch with the Canada Water Masterplan team here.