
30 Sep

Preparatory construction works to start on parts of the Masterplan site

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Preparatory construction works to start on parts of the Masterplan site

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Following the granting of planning permission for the Canada Water Masterplan in May 2020, initial preparatory works will begin on three parts of the Canada Water Masterplan site from October 2020.

This means that you will start to see more workers in the local area as the two contractors, Galldris and Keltbray, start to erect hoardings and set up the welfare facilities for these sites. All work will be overseen by the Masterplan project managers AECOM and includes the following activity:

Work Site Area 1: Rear of Printworks site by Quebec Way – Contractor Galldris will start to install hoardings on the Printworks site in the area adjacent to Quebec Way from 5th October 2020. Once the site is safely secured, the three unused steel buildings at the rear of the Printworks site will start to be carefully deconstructed and the site cleared. This work will be completed by early 2021 and will enable this site (known as ‘Zone L’ of the Canada Water Masterplan) to be developed.

Once the site is cleared, and subject to reserved matters being approved by Southwark Council, construction of a below ground electricity substation will begin on this site. The substation will help meet the future electrical needs of the Masterplan, the wider local area, and to reinforce electricity supply in other areas of the Borough.

An application for approval of reserved matters for the below ground substation has already been submitted, and Southwark Council will soon begin a period of statutory consultation on the proposals. We will share details of how you can view the proposals and make comments when the consultation begins. In addition, Galldris intend to carefully remove three trees directly adjacent to the main steel building, as set out within the Arboricultural Report recently submitted to Southwark Council, available to view here using planning reference number 20/AP/1912.

Work Site Area 2: Surrey Quays Shopping Centre Car Park – it is anticipated that from 12th October 2020, Galldris will start to erect hoardings within a section of Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car park. This is the start of a series of infrastructure works in the shopping centre car park which will take place until the middle of 2021. Sufficient car parking will be maintained at all times. With permission from Southwark Council, from 12th October 2020 some trees will be removed in areas across the car park to enable these works to be undertaken.

During this period, we also expect work to begin on the junction of Surrey Quays Road and Deal Porters Way to widen the existing pedestrian crossing from 2.5 to 5 metres. To allow Deal Porters Way to remain open to vehicles, appropriate traffic management measures will be put in place. Subject to agreement with Southwark Council, this is likely to include temporary traffic lights at the junction of Deal Porters Way and Surrey Quays Road, similar to those used by SGN when undertaking the gas main diversion. We expect this work to be completed in November 2020 as a precursor to future traffic signal reconfiguration works later that month. Once completed, these works will enable the construction of plots A1 and A2.

Work Site Area 3: Construction of Interim petrol station on Deal Porters Way – it is anticipated that from 12th October 2020, contractor Keltbray will begin work to build the new interim petrol filling station for Tesco which will be located in the Shopping Centre car park near the junction of Lower Road and Redriff Road. In the week of12th October, they will remove some trees which will allow them to secure the site and subsequently build the new interim petrol station. These works are subject to the discharge of a recently submitted planning condition to Southwark Council which is available to view here using planning reference number 20/AP/2136.

From around 17th October 2020, Keltbray will start to erect hoardings before work begins to construct the new interim petrol station and to install new servicing connections. We expect this work to be completed in summer 2021. Once complete, the existing Tesco petrol station in the car park will then be demolished to enable the construction of plot A2. The existing petrol station will remain open until the new interim petrol station is open.

Surrey Quays Shopping Centre and Surrey Quays Leisure Park to remain open throughout:

The works described above will be undertaken in a way that allows the Shopping Centre and Leisure Park to continue trading as usual.  Visitors will see some changes to the car parking arrangements at the Shopping Centre, but these will be clearly signposted on site.

Dedicated Construction Neighbourhood Liaison Manager:

British Land has appointed a dedicated Construction Neighbourhood Liaison Manager to honour our commitment to minimise disruption for local residents, businesses and people who work and visit the area.

The Construction Neighbourhood Liaison Manager will ensure that neighbours are kept regularly updated and will respond promptly to any issues or questions that arise. If you have any questions about these works or would like to speak with the Construction Neighbourhood Liaison Manager, please contact or call 0800 470 4593 (freephone).

Neighbours living near locations where construction activity is taking place will receive regular newsletters and have regular opportunities to speak with the Construction Neighbourhood Liaison Manager and relevant contractor.  We will also send regular updates as these works progress via this e-newsletter, web updates, social media posts and site signage.

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