Thank you to everyone who took the time to join us at the Canada Water Masterplan Consultation Hub or at community meetings to discuss the planning application. We welcomed over 950 people to the Hub and to community meetings to look at the plans, and really appreciate so many of you taking the time to discuss the planning application, Masterplan and first detailed plots with the team. We hope you found the sessions informative, and the exhibition boards from the planning information sessions can be downloaded here.
Statutory consultation
Southwark Council’s statutory consultation period will end on 20th July, and we would encourage everyone to have their say on the plans.
You can find all planning application documents and make formal comments on the application online on Southwark Council’s Planning Register (www.southwark.gov.uk/planningregister) using the case reference number 18/AP/1604 or by searching for ‘Canada Water Masterplan’. Alternatively, written formal comments can be sent to: 5th Floor Hub 2, Southwark Council, PO Box 64529, London SE1P 5LX. Your comments will then be taken into consideration by Southwark Council in their determination of the planning application (a decision on the planning application is expected later in 2018).
We have also included information on the planning application and some of the key planning documents on our website – please click here.
Beyond the statutory consultation period, we will continue to work with the local community to discuss key themes, reserved matters, community involvement and more. British Land will also continue to meet with statutory bodies including Southwark Council, the Greater London Authority and Transport for London during the determination period to discuss key areas of the Masterplan and we will provide updates on these at topic sessions.
As ever, please do get in touch with the team if you have any questions about the plans or would like to discuss anything in further detail.