Early work to develop and deliver the masterplan’s legacy is underway and we’re piloting projects under each of our focus areas of education, employment, business and community. Below is an update on projects we have recently kicked off with Tree Shepard and GoodPeople and how to get involved. Working in this way is not only intended to bring opportunities locally but also help us trial ideas and continue to understand how and where we should focus our energies and investment to deliver long term social, economic and community benefit.
Tree Shepherd launch programme supported by British Land in SE16 Start Your Own Enterprise programme
This programme enables budding entrepreneurs to explore why they want to run a business, understand their target market and learn how to price and sell. During the course, which will run one day a week for eight weeks, students learn how to manage customers, raise and manage finance and how to present to potential investors or buyers. At the end of the course, the entrepreneurs set off with a sustainable business plan and the confidence to put it into action. The course is free for residents local to the masterplan area, and the wider SE16 area. Please get in touch if you would like to get involved or have any questions: email training@treeshepherd.org.uk or call 0203 948 3023.
Business Clinics
These clinics offer one-to-one support and guidance to local entrepreneurs through one-hour sessions that are regular and confidential. Business advisors share their experience and expertise to help attendees overcome obstacles to business growth. Typical areas of support include understanding their target market, communicating to customers, financial implications of a new business, registration and legal issues. The business clinics are free for residents and businesses local to the masterplan area, and the wider SE16 area.
Please get in touch if you would like to get involved or have any questions: email info@treeshepherd.org.uk or call 0203 948 3021. You can book online at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SYOEinSE16
British Land working with Good People to link local residents with sustainable employment
We’re delighted to announce that we’re working with GoodPeople to help link local residents with sustainable employment and skills development opportunities in Canada Water. GoodPeople will be working with the suppliers and businesses at Surrey Quays Shopping and Leisure and the Printworks to match unemployed local residents with local employment opportunities. GoodPeople will also source opportunities for work experience and placements, working with local community partners and schools. The pilot project will run for a year. If you are currently looking for work, have employment opportunities in the local area, or are interested in finding out more, please contact 020 3176 6711 .