
07 May

Gas network diversion update: Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car park and surrounding area

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Gas network diversion update: Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car park and surrounding area

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As mentioned in a previous news update, British Land is working with SGN to divert the gas main pipe located under Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car park.  We expect all works associated with the gas main diversion to be completed by the end of September 2020. These works will be undertaken in strict adherence to Government and industry guidance.

Work taking place from the week beginning 3rd August through to the end of September 2020

From 3rd August, SGN will move into the final phase of work which will complete the gas main diversion. This includes continuing to work in the area currently in place on Surrey Quays Road and a work area in Hothfield Place to connect the new gas main. The work areas are shown on the image below, including the associated traffic management measures and pedestrian diversions.

Working hours

SGN’s contractor, JDT Utilities, will be carrying out the work on their behalf. Engineers will be working Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm, and on Saturdays between 9am and 4pm. In consultation with Southwark Council, SGN have agreed to work extended hours on Saturdays, to complete the gas main diversion as soon as possible.

For some of the operations where the gas main is being monitored, work must continue through the night. This will be minimal and noise generated will be low. SGN or JDT Utilities will ensure that residents living within immediate proximity of the gas connection points are provided advance warning, at least two days in advance of overnight or particularly disruptive works so neighbours know in advance when this is going to happen.

Pedestrian ramp connecting Hothfield Place to Deal Porters Way and the Shopping Centre car park

It is also likely that at times, the pedestrian ramp connecting Hothfield Place to Deal Porters Way and the Shopping Centre car park will need to be closed. SGN will display diversionary signage for pedestrians in the event the ramp needs to be closed during this period to ensure safety for all.

Keeping in touch

If you have any questions or concerns during the works, please get in touch with the Canada Water Masterplan team. When appropriate, calls or queries will be diverted to SGN’s customer contact centre, where they are best placed to answer any questions. In the event of an emergency (smelling gas for example) please call the National Gas Emergency Number on 0800 111 999.

UPDATE: Due to unexpected assessment work and engineering requirements, adverse weather conditions and significant temperatures, SGN are now scheduled to complete the diversion of the gas main pipe by the end of October 2020.

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