
01 Nov

British Land revises hybrid planning application for the Canada Water Masterplan

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British Land revises hybrid planning application for the Canada Water Masterplan

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We are pleased to share that revisions to the planning application for the Canada Water Masterplan have been submitted.

The planning application for the Canada Water Masterplan was first submitted in May 2018. The Council carried out a period of statutory consultation on these proposals during the summer, alongside further engagement by us with many local community groups, residents and other interested parties. Over 1,000 people have attended our events since we submitted the planning application, and we are grateful to everyone for giving their time to discuss it with us. Based on the feedback, we have made a series of amendments to the Development that have been submitted to Southwark Council, together with additional information.

The key changes to the Masterplan include:

  • Building heights across the Masterplan have been reduced. For example, the tallest building is to be reduced by 24 metres, from 162 to 138 metres, a reduction of 15%.
  • The number of affordable family homes in the first phase of the development has been increased. This means that 60% of the homes in the first phase are 2+ bedrooms, with 3+ bedroom homes now accounting for 20% of the new homes.
  • In response to feedback from immediate neighbours, we have reduced the rear massing of the building at Plot A2 (the office and leisure centre building). The site will still deliver a new leisure centre for the local community, but its massing has been set back to improve views for residents of Hothfield Place.
  • The visual appearance of the Plot K1 building (Roberts Close) has been altered, with a lighter tone of brick and new balcony designs proposed. We have also undertaken a series of ecology and overshadowing studies to confirm that the building won’t impact Russia Dock Woodland/Ecology Park or the Alfred Salter School playground.
  • Minor changes have also been made to the internal layouts of the building proposed at Plot A1.
  • Details have been submitted for the interim petrol filling station and a new, planted pedestrian route and cycle ramp linking Lower Road shops and the shopping centre is proposed.

Updated planning application documents can be found online on Southwark Council’s planning register. Key planning documents can also be downloaded from our website.

For more information on the updated plans, please visit the project Frequently Asked Questions page, which has been updated with a new section on the resubmitted application [link to page] or contact the Canada Water Masterplan team using the details below.

Next steps

Southwark Council is now undertaking statutory consultation on the amended plans for 21 days, and it will end on 19 November 2018. Members of the public can submit their comments on the amended proposals on Southwark Council’s Planning Register online or by writing to Southwark Council’s planning department. Comments will then be taken into consideration by Southwark Council in their determination of the planning application.

A decision on the planning application is expected by the end of this calendar year. If the application is approved, work could commence onsite in 2019, with a target date of completion for the whole scheme in 2033.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please feel free to contact us on or by calling the freephone number: 0800 470 4593.

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