20 Dec
Canada Water Connect launches to help local residents access opportunities
1 Minute Read
The Canada Water Connect team: (left to right) Community and Operations Lead Ashley Rice, Strategic Lead Julie Hutchinson and Employment and Skills Manager Ian Walker
A new service has launched to help local residents access skills, training and employment opportunities provided by the Canada Water development.
Canada Water Connect, founded through a partnership between British Land and leading business charity ELBA, puts people and expertise on the ground to make connections between local residents, businesses, schools and charities, the construction companies building the development, and companies and businesses that will occupy the future office and retail space. The aim is to make sure the benefits of the investment and growth that the development brings to the area are available for all to access, creating a thriving and inclusive local economy, where local people work in quality careers they love on the development, building contractors use local suppliers, and education in the area is supported for the long term.
The Canada Water Connect team consists of three, soon to be four, people all experienced in helping make developments work for the communities around them.
Employment and Skills Manager Ian Walker is a south Londoner born and raised. He is available to support local jobseekers to find roles on the development, and to access training that will help them find employment in the local area.
Strategic Lead Julie Hutchinson heads up the team, while Community and Operations Manager Ashley Rice will be working closely with the community and local organisations to help them make the most of the opportunities of the development.
Look out for much more to come over the coming months as the service sets up, including a brand-new website to help residents keep track of opportunities and find out how to access them.
In the meantime, if you’d like to speak with Ian or register your interest in upcoming job opportunities please get in touch at team@canadawater.co.uk
The Canada Water Connect team look forward to meeting you soon!